The Word in Practical Application
I've tried several times to put up a new post here, but it just wasn't working out. I wrote this wonderful, long word study on sanctification, and it wouldn't copy and paste into the blog. Phooey.
I think back to all the times in my life when something just seemed too hard, too frustrating, too...blocked, to be worth it. In those times, I learned to step back and look at what I was trying to do. It was the try part that was getting me into trouble, I've discovered. When I 'try' to do something for the Lord, it's usually driven by a desire for some type of recognition.
When we try, work, or do for the kingdom, it is rarely with the right intention. God judges all of our actions on the condition of the heart behind those actions. More and more, I'm finding that what I do matters so little in the face of who I am. Living in the Holy Spirit, we have the opportunity to simply function, and be blessed. Too often, we strive toward some goal, as though we are working our way into the kingdom. Yet our most impactful actions are those that come out of a natural Christ-like response to someone in need. We're always surprised to see how easy it was, and how good it felt, just doing the right thing.
I have not arrived, in fact, I hope you won't hold your breath waiting for me to let you know when I have - I don't want you beating me to heaven! But I'm learning this - God is our foundation in Righteousness; Jesus is our application in Peace; the Holy Spirit is our rest in Joy. There is a pattern here that I am studying with my Dad. When something (in scripture) comes in threes, it has a correlation to the trinity, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit = Righteousness, Peace and Joy. When we go from one to the other, we are building on a foundation, not moving out of one, into another.
What I'm aiming for, then, is to build a foundation in God's righteousness. Then to apply it in peace, as Jesus did. Finally, when the righteousness and peace are in place, we find ourselves dwelling, operating and resting in the Holy Spirit, a place of pure joy.
So, where do you see yourself in this process?